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Tuesday, October 24, 2006



Correction please: Norton was a "sanitation engineer". i.e. he worked in the sewers.

Mrs. Dennis

I wholeheartedly agree with your #9 choice of Dennis. I would add one talent to your list of his finer qualities: unsurpassed BB-gun sharpshooter of pesky squirrels (a talent he shares with his dog, Milo).


Mrs. Dennis ... I'm just hurt that your husband won't comment here at Sticky Doorknobs because he's apparently afraid people will know he associates with me. I'm afraid I might to move TO up and your husband down.


Wallace, you are right, Norton was a sanitation engineer but he always wanted to, ummm, move up in the world to be a trash collector.


"He's fine, but giving George Clooney a Manly Man award is like rooting for Brad Pitt to get lucky."

You are too funny!

lacoste shirts

A great man is always willing to be little—R. W. Emerson
It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious for?— H. D. Thoreau

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