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Tuesday, January 29, 2008



This is an event you cannot miss! They spoke at the Amarillo Interfaith Hunger campaign's Beans and Cornbread luncheon last fall, and there was not a dry eye among the 1000 or so people attending. If you take their words to heart, your life will be changed.


Thanks, Tex ... it really is a fascinating story the three of them have...it's one of those books you don't want to end.


Jimmy, I heartily second that motion ..... we are already reading the book, and definitely plan to attend in March.


Jeff ... it's a great read. Be ready ...


I normally don't cry when I finish reading a book but I did when I finished this one. I waited until everyone in the house was asleep because it was one of those "ugly cries" as Oprah calls it. Spend the time reading this book. It was wonderful.

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