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Tuesday, May 26, 2009



---someone at city hall-----

And.....you're missing the point about the flags. The idea is not for cities, governments or corporate sponsors to hang flags.....the idea is for the citizens to be inspired enough to do it themselves.

I don't make too much of a deal about it, because I think it benefits the Boy Scouts; but, as a veteran I get a little miffed on Veteran's Day and Memorial Day when my fellow citizens can't take 2 minutes of their own time to display a flag. They pay somebody else to do it. Kinda' reminds me of the Army these days. Some citizens can't find the time to serve their country.....so they pay others to do it. [end of soapbox]

John White

Thank you Wallace for your service to our Country.

Patriotism has to be taught,..not bought! ;)


Well I dug myself this hole didn't I? Absolutely you can't buy it, and I dont mean to suggest staging patriotism. Such a gesture of adding flags in prominent places in Midland, it would be my hope, would only serve as a spark for it to become more widespread. I didn't articulate that clearly enough. You guys are both right ... if it ain't real it ain't real good.

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