OK, all those theories about some weird atmospheric phenomenon causing rains to bypass Midland or dissolve as soon as they get to the city limits sign (ala Wednesday morning's rainless, hard blow) are all forgotten this morning: We've had enough moisture to push our yearly total clean over the 1.25-inch mark.
Let the rejoicing begin.
OK ... rejoice.
I am starting to wonder about this theory that Midland has some sort of weirdly invisible dome over it ... Like a lot of people Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, I stayed up and watched this massive monster storm descend on us at 40 mph from Lubbock and other points north ... and with seemingly every swipe of the radar the dry spot between the storm over Ector and Andrew counties and a twin storm over Martin and Howard counties grew larger and larger. I don't think we received any rainfall during those wee hours ... and it was strange to watch it all just disappear.
It was enough to make you wonder what's going on.
As for the photo ... thanks to alert reader Dave Taylor, who captured some great lightning and a storm from the Midland Polo Club Monday. Any seasoned MIdlander would likely conjecture that the rain snapped in the photo is north of the city limits.
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